What are the store hours?

Monday - Friday: 7:00-6:00
Saturday: 8:00 - 5:00
Sunday: 9:00 - 4:00

Does MLI Deliver?


Do you offer material take-off services?

Yes, we do!

Do you offer free estimates or quotes?

Yes, we do!

Do you sell to homeowners, contractors, or builders?

Yes, all of the above!

Do you sell propane?

Yes, we do! We also stock 5, 20, and 30 gallon propane tanks.

Do you sell pellets for stoves?

Yes, we stock Manke Clean Burn Pellets all year round. Buy by the bag or the ton.

Will you cut my lumber for me?

Yes, we will. First cut is free, and .50¢ per cut after that.

Do you offer sharpening services?

Yes, please call for more information.

What paint brands do you carry?

Ace Royal and Clark+Kensington.

Do you have a color match machine?

Yes, we do!

Copyright © Tanglewilde Lumber Inc